Definition: Achieving successful performance of tasks within the timeframe allotted.
High Self Standards
- Set high standards in their performance
- Strives to improve or meet standards of excellence.
Process and Procedure
- Demonstrates a well-organized and timely approach to achieve desired results
- Makes a plan for getting things done and drives execution of the strategic plan, actively supporting or leading initiatives to closure.
- Promotes secure and appropriate system accessibility
- Demonstrates a well-organized and timely approach to achieving goals.
Working with Others
- Schedules time for self and others to optimize high priority and long term actions. Monitors progress towards business goals.
Performance and Results
- Completes work to a high technical standard
- Completes work to given time frame and to budget
- Accomplishes goals on schedule and under budget.
- Completes work to a high standard.
Response to Setbacks
- Accepts setbacks and challenges as improvement opportunities
- Follows-up and takes action when goals are not met to ensure better results in the future.
- Pursues mission and goals despite obstacles and setbacks.
- Persists in seeking goals despite obstacles and setbacks.
Organizational Awareness
- Systematically works to improve the organization